can I teach photography classes if I don't feel like I'm an expert

Can I teach photography if I'm not an expert photographer? 

Every time I talk to photographers about why teaching photography is the PERFECT way to earn money during the slow months of their photography business I get the same question...

"What if I don’t feel like I’m an *expert* at photography? Can I still teach photography?"

They tell me, "Well, I have a photography business, but I don't think of myself as an “expert.” I just enjoy taking photos of my clients."

My answer to that?

Heck YEAH! You can still teach photography. And here’s why...

Professional photographers are the PERFECT people to learn photography from and for two good reasons.

Reason #1: You're already consistently sharing beautiful photos with your audience through your blog, social media and photography website.

You don't need to be an "expert" to teach someone else. There will always be someone who is more knowledgeable than you on certain topics. Just teach what you know best.

In fact, many of your photography students are going to be moms, retirees, hobbyists or maybe even some people who are in the exact spot YOU were in a few years ago. Those people think your knowledge is super valuable and useful, right?

Note: I’m not saying you should teach a photography workshop if you haven’t mastered the basics yourself yet such as shooting in manual mode. Instead I’m saying that you probably don’t give yourself enough credit for all you DO know about photography and how much that knowledge could help other people. 

Reason #2: They have seen your work and want to learn from you.

People will love learning photography from you because they feel a personal connection to you through your photos.

They’ve no doubt found you from viewing your website, seen your photography portfolio or your blog. Maybe some are even your past  clients or may even become your future clients.  Being able to learn something that they’ve been trying to do for YEARS... from someone who feels like a friend is a huge bonus. 

All you need is the right tools and photography curriculum to get you started teaching photography in no time. 

All you need is the right tools to get your started.


 Unlock Your FREE Guide On How To Make Money Teaching Photography.


Here are some digital photography curriculum products:

Basic Digital Photography Curriculum

Basic Digital Photography for Kids Curriculum

Basic Digital Photography Curriculum for Teaching Moms

Here are some more helpful articles about teaching photography:

How to Teach a Kids Photography Camp

Top 3 Tips for Teaching a Kids Photography Club

Teach a Basic Photography Class to Moms

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