15 Easy Ways to Find Blog Post Topic Ideas for Your Photography Business

One of the challenges of blogging for your photography business, your wedding photography business or your wedding planning business is that you need a steady stream of content, which means you also need a constant supply of new blog post ideas. Since you don’t want to waste time brainstorming one topic each time you sit down to write, create a system for coming up with these ideas.
Here are some sources where you can easily find blog topic ideas for your blog posts.
Social Media. Check your social media feed. Look for conversations and see if there’s a topic you can address. Also look for questions people are asking that you could answer.
Blog Comments. The same goes for blog post comments. Sometimes a reader will ask a question or make a suggestion in the comments of your blog that you can use for future content.
Competitors’ Blogs. Bookmark a few competitors’ blogs to use for ideas. Don’t steal an idea as-is but see if you can take your own angle on a topic, or see if there are any related topics they’re not covering.
Question and Answer Sites. Q&A sites like Quora are great for seeing what questions people are asking that you can answer in a blog post.
Check out Amazon, especially the “how to” section. Flip through books on your photography business or wedding business niche to get an ideas of things you can cover in your blog post.
YouTube Videos. Search on YouTube using keywords related to your business. Follow popular YouTubers in your topic area to get ideas for things you can cover on your blog.
Keyword Search. Google is a great tool for sourcing new blog ideas. Search for keywords and find related terms. Google Keyword Planner is even better for getting suggestions. A tool I like to use is called "Keywords Everywhere." They have a free version or you can pay as little as $10 per year and they will show you the amount of keywords on different platforms.
Expand on Your Existing Content. Sometimes, you can write a companion blog post or a “part 2” of a blog post you already wrote. This is great for your audience because it creates a series they can follow along with and look forward to reading. You can tease the upcoming posts in your e-mails and on social media. If you're a wedding photographer or wedding professional, you could feature your client's wedding in different parts. For example, the pre-ceremony, ceremony, and then the reception. If you're a high school senior photographer, instead of posting all your client's photos in one post, simply break it up into two or more posts by location or outfit.
Repurpose Old Content. You can also take old content and repurpose it. This could mean updating an old blog post, or turning a Facebook live video or into a blog posts. You can get more mileage out of your welcome guides by taking the pre-written articles and posting them on your blog.
Accept Guest Bloggers. You can create excellent blog content easily by accepting guest posts or interviewing local businesses and turning these interviews into posts. Bonus tip: Start with asking your clients for an interview. It doesn't have to be on video. You can simply send them a list of questions and ask them to share their answers with you.
Share News. Share popular news stories that your ideal client would be interested in. Then add in your own commentary about the story. This is a great way to build the know, like and trust factor for your audience. It's also a great way to get found in search engines if you're posting about current events that people are searching. For example if you're a wedding photographer or wedding business owner, check on sites like The Knot.com or Brides.com. You can see what topics are trending and create a blog post related to those topics.
Random Title Generator. Use a random title generator online. Give it keywords relevant to your niche and it will give you some suggestions for titles you can turn into posts.
Industry Magazines. Subscribe to some industry publications or follow them on social media and see what topics they are covering. For example if you're in the wedding industry you might follow Wedding Wire or The Knot. They usually post links to their blog on social media. Take notice of which posts are getting the most engagement. Photographers can follow Click Magazine
Follow Influencers on Instagram. instagram is one of the best social media platforms for influencers. Follow influencers that your ideal client is interested in and see what they’re talking about.
Ask Your Followers. Come right out and ask your audience, email subscribers or social media followers what topics they’d like to see you cover. Double down on this tactic by creating a poll and post as an instagram story. Or, create a Facebook group related to your niche and ask inside the group what topics your audience would like to read about.
Create an idea file and each time you sit down to write, you can just start working. Find some good sources you can tap into whenever you need ideas and you’ll never run out.
Pre-Written Blog Posts for Photographers and Wedding Business Owners:
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