2. Have an assistant! The assistant doesn't have to be an assistant photographer, or even someone who knows about photography. A friend, husband, basically anyone who is willing to help can have a copy of the schedule, everyone's names and contact info on a clipboard, helping you keep on schedule so that you can focus on the photography.
3. Set limits. Your time is valuable. Set boundaries to avoid confusion and to ensure you don't get taken advantage of. Keep the sessions short (approx. 15-20 minutes per client). Limit the frequency of your mini sessions; once or twice a year is ideal. Remember, the goal is to get the clients to sign up for full sessions- not to encourage them to wait for mini sessions, which can be viewed as a sale in their minds. You want your mini sessions to give a sampling of your amazing photos, and not the ONLY photography service your clients enlist you for.
4. Think Marketing! One of the main objectives in hosting mini photo sessions is to gain new customers who will book you for full-price photography services. Offer a special promotion if they book your full-price photo sessions. Let them know it is just for new mini session clients, so that they feel like they are a part of a very exclusive offer. Have a beautiful
studio welcome guide on hand, featuring your portfolio, list of photography services, and content that convinces the potential client that working with you is a win/win situation. Send your mini session clients away with a promotional magnet, pen, or something similar that they will see and use often will keep you at the front of their minds.
5. Use social media to promote your mini session event. Spread the word with an online graphic that provides all the details. Share on Instagram with relevant hashtags (such as the city you live in, #minisessions #portraitphotography, #photographyspecial, and the type of session, such as #backtoschool and #schoolportraits, etc. Share on Facebook, and consider posting a boosted ad there as well. You can choose your target audience by age, gender, and area, which can be very helpful. Make sure to tag friends and family in your social media promotions, and ask them to share posts and help spread the word!