"Be Fabulous" - Customizable Client Magazine Template

Senior Photography Marketing Template: "Be Fabulous" is based off our popular Senior Modeling Guide.  It is a customizable photography template all about your client. In this magazine photoshop template we've used black and white images to make it stand out against the gold and white lettering, but you can change the colors to your preference.


  • 12 page Photoshop .psd layered template files size 8.5x11
  • Basic instructions for photoshop and list of fonts used
  • 3 page customizable forms that you can use for obtaining client information to use in the magazine

Magazine Features:

  • Three spreads where you can feature 8 questions in a Q&A format about your client
  • One spread where you can insert the client's biography or "about" page
  • Front cover that you can customize with clients name or the words "Be Fabulous"
  • One page to feature a quote
  • One featured spread to list the client's "Top 5 Favorite Things" or "Top 5 Interesting Facts" 
  • Three pages of customizable form (layered .psd) that you can print for the client to fill out with their information

Specs & Other Information:

This template has been designed according to McKenna Pro's Press Printed Brochure

Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds upon download.

Photos featured in this template are courtesy Kristie Bradley Photography and not included in download.


